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About Lisa

Are You Living Up to Your Full Potential? It’s Time to Shine!

Do you feel like your company or career has plateaued, stalled, or—even worse—lost ground? The problem may lie in how you’re presenting yourself to the world. Every day, individuals and businesses lose valuable projects, clients, and job opportunities due to issues with image. How we look, how we behave, and how we communicate with those around us… all of these can either skyrocket us toward a bright future, or subtly sabotage our goals.

Here’s the good news: every corporation, small business, and individual has a unique set of values, abilities, and passions. They’re just waiting to be discovered.

A B.R.A.N.D. New Direction

Eric and I realized that we were too focused on billable tickets, tech training, and marketing to new customers, and were neglecting to look at our clients as long-term relationships. We took a hard look at our company’s internal and external appearance, behavior, and communication, and tackled the following game-changing areas:

Mindset Shift

View Your Entire Team as a Brand Ambassador That Builds Trust, Loyalty, And Best of All Brand Advocacy From Your Clients!

Are You Ready to Create Brand-Building Rockstars?

Schedule A Call


Learn strategies that build awareness around taking responsibility for you and your entire team’s actions for stronger relationships.

Is It Time To Stop Playing The Blame Game?

Schedule A Call


Learn several ways to show respect and appreciation toward our clients, our team, and ourselves.

Curious about the power of compassion and empathy

Let’s Talk!


Create A Clear “Visual Signature,” Online Or In Person That Exudes Confidence And Credibility.

Does Your Brand Need Polishing?

Let’s Talk!


Identify Clear Methods For The Entire Team, From Owner, To Sales To Technical Folks, To Build Trusting And Meaningful Relationships.

In Need Of More Impactful Relationship Building Skills?

Contact Me Now!

Dynamic Dialogue

Communicate Effectively, Via The Phone, In Person Or Online, To Convert Leads Into “Evergreen” Clients And Increase Client Retention.

Do Your Communication Skills Need a Reboot?

Let’s Talk!

After spending months improving these soft skills, our company underwent a radical change. Finally, our 22-year-old business had grown from a teenager into a responsible young adult!

Since this metamorphosis our company morale has been strong, our branding has been clear, and our customers feel like the VIPs that they are. We place a top priority on relationships with our clients—and with each other. And for the past 15 years our business has experienced double-digit growth in both earnings and number of employees.

Meet Lisa Shorr

I’m Lisa Shorr, Certified Image Consultant and Personal Branding Specialist. I’ve spent the past decade helping IT organizations, small to medium-sized businesses, and individuals grow their success–and bottom line–by harnessing the power of positive image.

I understand the process and know it works, because I’ve experienced it myself. When my own IT business underperformed for five years straight, my co-founder (who also happens to be my husband, Eric) and I couldn’t deny that something was missing. We had the experience, we had the techs, we had the know-how.

So why were we losing clients?

The answer was simple: our business image hadn’t matured with our company. Although we had grown in size and increased our scope of work, the way we appeared, communicated, and behaved didn’t match up. We weren’t attracting the clients we were capable of serving. We knew it was time for a radical change.

The result of that change was the formation of Shorr Success and my proven B.R.A.N.D. Method. My mission is to create a paradigm shift in the small business owner, from thinking all we need are tech skills, to knowing it’s our essential soft skills, that perception of trust, that ultimately seals the deal.

Stop brushing soft skills aside. Let’s work together to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes my IT business did. I am here to teach you and your team how to unleash your B.R.A.N.D. that create clients that are raving fans. Book a meeting now!